Standard features/specifications - Vertical Tube Taper

  • Operating speed up to 250 cans per minute
  • Space required: 18" square, centered in-line on customer's conveyor
  • Adjustable leveling legs to match existing conveyor height
  • Includes one tube wheel for .085" - .095" diameter X 3 - 6" long (other sizes avail.)
  • Guide rails adjustable for different can diameters.
  • Air requirements: 4 - 6 cfm; 100 psi
  • 3/4 HP AC (tefc) motor, 230/460V/3/60
  • 1 HP Inverter, 230V or 460 V/3PH
  • Includes one spare tape head and one set spare parts
  • Tape used: Clear, 3/4" wide X 1 1/4" long per application (36,000" rolls)
  • Handles can diameters from 202 - 300 and most heights







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Aerosol Can Manufacturing - Vertical Tube Taper tapes extension tubes to aerosol cans. Beacon Aerosol Can Production
    Vertical Non-Orienting Tube Taper

    Beacon Engineering, an innovative designer and manufacturer of quality aerosol can machinery. Our superior Aerosol Can Products include: extension tube tapers, can orienter-labeler machines, aerosol can crushers, aersol can recycling equipment. Contact Beacon for Aerosol Can Manufacturing and Aerosol Can Disposal and Recycling Equipment like our Vertical Tube Taper.



    ©2014 Beacon Engineering. All Rights Reserved. 706-692-6411
    Makers of durable and reliable products for the aerosol can and commercial candy making industries. Our EVAC systems include aerosol can crusher machines and aerosol can disposal systems for recycling. Our innovative candy making equipment for production of candy sticks and canes and the sizing and cane forming of hard candy, taffy and caramel.

    Beacon Engineering, an innovative designer and manufacturer of quality aerosol can machinery. Our superior Aerosol Can Products include: extension tube tapers, can orienter-labeler machines, aerosol can crushers, aersol can recycling equipment. Contact Beacon for Aerosol Can Manufacturing and Aerosol Can Disposal and Recycling Equipment like our Vertical Tube Taper.